Deceased Property & Possessions Service
Heal The Room's Deceased Property & Possessions Service organizes and packs the possessions of your loved one. When a loved one passes away it can be overwhelming, stressful, emotionally draining, and complicated. Although it may be hard to admit, it can also be inconvenient. Raising children, work schedules, health issues, and distance are a few reasons why getting to your loved ones' Estate can be difficult. Heal The Room's Deceased Property & Possessions Service is there for you.
Packing & Organizing
HTR makes finding items easy. While packing, we take photos of the contents in each box. Each box is numbered, and we provide an online reference list to clients upon completion of the service.
Documents & Paperwork
HTR understands that access to legal documents and paperwork is the priority when handling your loved one's estate. Heal the Room locates, secures, and transmits documents.
Moving & Storage
Whether you choose to store your loved one's belongings or transport them, HTR coordinates with a contracted moving company to ensure they have access to the property and that nothing is left behind.
Cleaning & Closure
If you plan to put your loved one’s home on the market or lease it, HTR also works with a contracted cleaning company, ensuring they have access to the house and that it is thoroughly cleaned.

Q. What is the cost of HTR’s Deceased Property & Possessions Service?
A. HTR's charge is $150 per service hour. (10 hour minimum)
Billable service hours include but are no limited to:
shopping for materials and supplies
meetings and hosting
traveling time and mileage
emailing and phone calls
servicing the contracted location
Q. What should I expect from the beginning to the end?
A. Once you request a consultation using the form below, HTR will send you an email to confirm the date and time of your consultation. This email will also include an invoice for the $150 consultation fee and a request for a "Letter of Appointment of Executor." Before accepting the contract, Ebony London will need to see the desired service location. Therefore, she can either meet you at the location or conduct a tour of the location via a video conferencing platform. If you are unable to meet with Ebony London in person, you may send someone else to provide her access to the location. However, you will still need to be present at the consultation via video conferencing. During the consultation, Ebony London will assess the service location, and photos may be taken for reference. After the consultation, HTR will prepare and email you a Service Proposal that outlines the plans, estimated expenses, and expectations, along with an invoice for $1,500, which covers the first 10 hours of service. HTR will then begin servicing the deceased's property and possessions.
Q. How long does it take HTR to service a location?
A. The amount of time to service a location depends on the size of the property and the amount of possessions. During the consultation, deadlines will be discussed. If HTR can't meet the deadline provided, HTR will not proceed.
Q. How does HTR bill for service hours?
A. HTR bills every Sunday for the previous week. Payment is due upon receipt. A majority of the initial payment of $1,500 that covers the first 10 hours of servicing is used to shop for materials and supplies and to set up the property to begin the packing portion of the service.
Q. What are HTR’s service hours & days?
A. HTR’s service hours vary. Service start time can be as early as 5:00 a.m. and end as late as 11:00 p.m. HTR retains access (key or passcode) to the service location to accommodate the various service hours.
Q. Can my family and friends help during servicing?
A. No. Ebony London, HTR’s organizer, does not work with your family, friends, or volunteers when servicing. If deemed necessary, HTR provides additional staffing.
Q. What additional cost should I be aware of?
A. You are responsible for the cost of all materials, supplies, and additional professional services needed to clear out the contracted property. HTR is a Sacramento California-based business. Depending on the service location, travel per diem for mileage, airfare, transportation, lodging, and incidentals can create additional costs.
Schedule a Consultaion
Please complete the following questionnaire.
A Heal The Room representative will email you to confirm the date, time and location of the consultation.
A invoice for the $150 consultation fee will be included in the email.